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Just download the mecat-1.4.5-1.noarch.rpm and install it like every other rpm. I tried it myself for Mandriva 2005 (i586), Mandriva 2006 (i586) and Mandriva 2006 (x86_64).

Detailed installing

In this section I'll explain in detail how to install MeCat and all dependencies on Mandriva Linux. MeCat has 3 dependencies:

Java runtime environment for Java 5.0

MeCat is written in the interpretor language Java. Therefore, MeCat needs the java runtime environment (jre) for Java 1.5 from sun to run. You can download the jre from sun from the following page:

You need to select jre-1_5_0_11-linux-i586-rpm.bin or jre-1_5_0_11-linux-amd64-rpm.bin depending on the type of distribution you have. After you downloaded the file, you need to become root, since you're only able to install anything if you are root. You need to make the file runnable. This is done by simply invoking the following command
chmod u+x jre-1_5_0_11-linux-i586-rpm.bin
or for amd64
chmod u+x jre-1_5_0_11-linux-amd64-rpm.bin
in the directory where you downloaded jre-1_5_0_11-linux-i586-rpm.bin or jre-1_5_0_11-linux-amd64-rpm.bin. After it's executable, you have to unpack and install it with
or for amd64
After executing jre-1_5_0_11-linux-i586-rpm.bin you will be shown a licence agreement from sun. You can use SPACEBAR to move forward within the licence. At the end of the licence you will be asked to agree with the licence. If everything worked well, the java runtime environment is now installed and you can go on installing xerces.


Xerces-2 can be found on any mandriva ftp mirror and can be installed with rpmdrake if you have added a ftp-distribution-mirror to the managed packages (see package manager in the main menu). In order to add the ftp-distribution-mirror to the managed packages, you use the package-source manager:
MainMenu → System → Preferences → Package Management → Package Source Manager
This program is going to need the root-password. After you agree to continue with Yes, a new dialog opens with a list of all known sources. If there are two entries similar to this example Main (Official2006.0-1) Contrib (Official2006.0-1) you can skip the following part and jump to Installing Xerces-j2. On the right side of the dialog there is a button Add. By pushing this button a new dialog opens. Here you are going to choose distribution sources. After you agree to add the sources, you get a list of mirrors to choose from, take one in your area and commit the operation with OK. The list of packages will now be rebuild. This will take some time.

Installing Xerces-j2

Xerces2 will be installed with install software at the following postition:
MainMenu → System → Preferences → Package Management → Install Software
This program is going to need the root-password. After you agree to continue with Yes, a new dialog opens. Next to the button search you fill xerces-j2 into an input field and push the button Search. The tree underneath now shows an entry xerces-j2-2.6.2-4.2mdk (the version number may vary). By clicking and thereby checking the box in front of the entry, a new dialog opens asking you if you want to install all dependent packages too. This you need to agree to with Ok. Now you can install Xerces by pushing the button Install. All necessary packages will now be gathered and installed. This will take some time.

You can now continue with the part LaTeX .

If you'd rather install it manually, you need to get xerces-2 and xml-commons from any Mandriva download mirror.
Examples for Mandriva 2005 (i586), Mandriva 2006 (i586) and Mandriva 2006 (x86_64):

For Mandriva 2005 (i586):

  • xerces-2 lies at 2005/i586/media/jpackage/xerces-j2-2.6.2-3jpp.noarch.rpm
  • xml-commons-resolver lies at 2005/i586/media/jpackage/xml-commons-resolver-1.1-2jpp.noarch.rpm

For Mandriva 2006 (i586):
  • xerces-2 lies at 2006.0/i586/media/jpackage/xerces-j2-2.6.2-3jpp.noarch.rpm
  • xml-commons-resolver lies at 2006.0/i586/media/jpackage/xml-commons-resolver-1.1-2jpp.noarch.rpm

For Mandriva 2006 (x86_64):
  • xerces-2 lies at 2005.0/i586/media/jpackage/xerces-j2-2.6.2-3jpp.noarch.rpm
  • xml-commons-resolver lies at 2006.0/i586/media/jpackage/xml-commons-resolver-1.1-2jpp.noarch.rpm

Manual installation can be done with:
rpm -i xerces-j2-2.6.2-3jpp.noarch.rpm xml-commons-resolver-1.1-2jpp.noarch.rpm


I strongly recommend using rpmdrake to install the requirements tetex-latex and tetex-dvi because there are some dependencies for both that you may not want to search and install manually.

Using rpmdrake to install LaTeX

Invoke rpmdrake from console or through the menu. Select the packages tetex-latex and tetex-dvips. If asked, allow the dependencies to be installed. Confirm the process with the button "install".

You can skip the following part and jump to Install MeCat

Manual installation of LaTeX

There is a good chance that the required tetex-* packages are on your Install-CDs or DVD. If this is not the case, you can download them from any Mandriva mirror.

For Mandriva 2005 (i586):
  • tetex lies at 2006.0/i586/media/main/tetex-latex-3.0-8mdk.i586.rpm
  • tetex-latex lies at 2006.0/i586/media/main/tetex-latex-3.0-8mdk.i586.rpm
  • tetex-dvi lies at 2006.0/i586/media/main/tetex-dvips-3.0-8mdk.i586.rpm
For Mandriva 2006 (i586)
  • tetex lies at 2006.0/i586/media/main/tetex-latex-3.0-12mdk.i586.rpm
  • tetex-latex lies at 2006.0/i586/media/main/tetex-latex-3.0-12mdk.i586.rpm
  • tetex-dvi lies at 2006.0/i586/media/main/tetex-dvips-3.0-12mdk.i586.rpm
For Mandriva 2006 (x86_64)
  • tetex lies at 2006.0/x86_64/media/main/tetex-latex-3.0-12mdk.x86_64.rpm
  • tetex-latex lies at 2006.0/x86_64/media/main/tetex-latex-3.0-12mdk.x86_64.rpm
  • tetex-dvi lies at 2006.0/x86_64/media/main/tetex-dvips-3.0-12mdk.x86_64.rpm

Installing MeCat

After all dependencies are installed, you now can install MeCat with:
rpm -i mecat-1.4.5-1.noarch.mdk.rpm

Using MeCat

You can invoke MeCat with the command mecat. After the installation, there should be an entry for MeCat in the start menu (Applications More/MeCat). Sometimes, for reasons I don't understand, the menu is not updated after the installation. If so, you can force the menu to update by opening the menu editor with a right click on the start menu icon and hitting the save button (update of menu complete).