Version 1.4 of MeCat is now available.
The following preconditions had to be achieved before releasing the new version:
Modular system for importing external catalogs
- Extension of the type-family movie for roles
- Undo functionality
- Design of a structured verification process
- Verify MeCat
MeCat should be able to import catalogs created by MeCat or external applications.
To achieve this goal, I need to create an import structure.
The planned import structure will be modular. This allows to only install those import modules that are necessary.
Say you want to import from the database of "Open Lending Media Database" but not from any other software,
then you don't need to install the import modules for other software and thereby need less free disk space.
The import and the merging of two MeCat catalogs has basically one challenge:
How to merge the catalog preferences. This includes for example the
storing locations and the genres if they are different in the catalogs.
The import of the data from the database of the application "Open Lending Media Database"
helps me study the effort that is necessary to import a catalog from an external application.
For the construction of the import I use the software Apollo which is another
project of mine and which is still under construction.
Some time ago I received the feature request for adding actors to a movie.
I decided to build the feature with the ability to reuse the information of an actor for other movies, once it is entered for one movie.
This means that, if you take two DVDs and in both movies the same actor plays a role, then his information can be reused.
For the coming version of MeCat this will not yet be so important since only the name will be stored,
but in the future there might come more.
The undo functionality is going to allow a user to undo an action he has taken.
The user will be able to choose whether he wants to undo a single action or wants to get a dialog
where the user can select several actions and undo them all at once.
A challenge that every application has to face is the ongoing battle for the stabilty of new and old functionality.
Verification of the software is intended to check the stability and the achieving of expectations.
As a software grows, it becomes more and more important to structure this well.
This leaves me to actually use the structured verification process to find as many bugs as possible
and make the software more user-friendly.
The symbol marks a finished work or an achieved goal. |